The wind yaw system is mainly used to keep the wind turbine of the wind turbine aligned with the wind direction, in order to improve the efficiency of wind energy utilization and power generation. Its applicable scenarios include:
Onshore wind power plant
Plain areas: On vast plains, the wind direction is relatively stable but can also vary to some extent. The wind yaw system can adjust the direction of the wind turbine in a timely manner according to subtle changes in wind direction, ensuring that the wind turbine is always facing the wind and capturing wind energy to the maximum extent.
Mountainous and hilly areas: The terrain here is complex, and the wind direction is influenced by valleys, slopes, and other terrain, with frequent and irregular changes. The wind yaw system needs to have the ability to respond quickly and adjust accurately to adapt to drastic changes in wind direction.
Offshore wind power plant
Shallow sea area: Although the sea surface is relatively open, it is influenced by factors such as marine meteorology and ocean currents, resulting in unique variations in wind direction and speed. The wind yaw system needs to have higher reliability and corrosion resistance to cope with humid and salty marine environments.
Deep sea area: The wind resources in the deep sea are more abundant and stable, but the construction and maintenance costs are high, and the requirements for wind yaw systems are also higher. The yaw system not only needs to accurately track the wind direction, but also needs to have stronger resistance to wind and waves and fatigue.
Other special scenarios
High altitude areas, such as the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, have thin air and different wind characteristics compared to low altitude areas. The climate conditions are complex, and factors such as low temperature and strong ultraviolet radiation pose special requirements for the materials and performance of yaw systems. The yaw system needs to have good low-temperature adaptability and UV aging resistance to ensure accurate tracking of wind direction in high-altitude environments and ensure the normal operation of wind turbines.
Remote areas: In some remote areas with incomplete power grid coverage, such as deserts, islands, etc., wind power generation as an independent power supply method is of great significance. The wind yaw system can ensure that wind turbines in these areas generate electricity efficiently under various complex natural conditions, providing local power support.